Individual course details
Study programme PhD Studies of Physics
Chosen research area (module) Photonics and Lasers
Nature and level of studies Third level academic studies
Name of the course Advanced optics
Professor (lectures) Professor Milorad Kuraica
Professor/associate (examples/practical)  
Professor/associate (additional)  
ECTS 15 Status (required/elective) elective
Access requirements Optics
Aims of the course Students should gain advanced level of knowledge in modern optics, which is not covered by courses at the undergraduate studies and  which is necessary for successful attending the other courses at PhD studies. Simultaneously, they should get experience in the laboratory work through the demonstrational and experimental exercises.
Learning outcomes  Working knowledge and experience level for the work in laser and optics laboratories should be achieved.
Contents of the course
Lectures 1. Geometrical optics (optical systems, design of optical systems, analytical ray tracing, lens defects, aberrations, adaptive optics, optical fibers)
2. The superposition waves of the similar frequency, beats and superheterodyne technique, group velocity. Pulses and wave packets, Fourier analysis, coherence length. 
3. Light polarization (polarization by scattering and reflection, birefringent polarizers).
4. Optical retarders (λ, λ/2, λ/4), liquid crystal retarders, compensators, Stokes parameters, Stokes and Jones vectors, The Jones and Mueller matrices.
5. Optical activity, Kerr, Pockels and Faraday effects. Optical modulators.
6. Light interference (spatial and temporal coherence, methods for measurement of coherence length and coherence time for classical light sources and lasers, Michelson interferometer and Fourier transform spectrometer, scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer, Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac interferometers) 7. Multilayer structure, interference filters and antireflection coatings.
8. Fraunhofer diffraction (diffraction by many slits, by circular and by rectangular aperture).
9. Fresnel diffraction (Kirchhoff scalar diffraction theory, diffraction by a slit, by a rectangular aperture, and by a semi-infinite opaque screen, Cornu spiral)
10. Basics of Fourier optics.
11. Basics of coherence theory. Partly coherent light.
12. Basics of holography.
Examples/ practical classes Experimental exercises: 1. Mach-Zehnder electro-optic modulator 2. Generation of different profiles of light beams using diffraction
Recommended books
1 Eugen Hect, Optics, Pearson Education Inc (2002)
Number of classes (weekly)
Lectures Examples&practicals   Student project Additional
Teaching and learning methods  
Assessment (maximal 100)
assesed coursework mark examination mark
coursework   written examination  
practicals   oral examination  